Featured Poet of June 2023

 Featured Poet of June 2023

   Welcome to the Featured Poet of June 2023! This month we are delighted to have Kevin Broccoli and his poem "Mayflower, Mango, and Palm". 

   Kevin Broccoli is a poet from Rhode Island. He is a multi-disciplined writer who has won awards for both his short stories and his plays. His poems have been featured in Molecule, Ponder Review, and Havik. He is the author of "Combustion" and is currently working on a book of poetry. 

“Mayflower, Mango, and Palm” 

I Saturn-danced away
On the promise
On mayflower, mango
And palm 

Two handfuls
Never make it
Back home

The lost aroma incinerated
By a costly candle
Left undisturbed

Crush up the violet petals
Before they fall
And let them spritz
The robbed remembrance

You are inside
And on my hair
And through my sight 
Texturing my flashbacks
In gossamer
In soft cuts

There is a particle
That connects 
To every time 
You found a match

And it brings me mayflower
And it brings me mango
And it leaves the palm
For when
I need


Thank you for reading this month's featured poet! Come back next month for more works by talented writers.
